Arsenic Naturally Occurs in Well Water

It is highly important to test the quality of water delivered to your home. This is especially true if your home is supplied by well water. You may not be aware that arsenic is a naturally occurring element within both treated and untreated water supplies. Regardless, no matter what kind of water you start out with, it just makes perfect sense to verify your waters condition and whether it presents a health risk to you and your family.
One way to ensure the best possible quality of consumable water in your home is via a Reverse Osmosis water filtration system. Reverse osmosis, most importantly, removes impurities. But as a VERY meaningful bonus, it dramatically improves the taste of tap water. It will protect your family’s health by providing the purest, safest water.
Other unsafe impurity levels that may present within our home’s water include iron, manganese, arsenic, and nitrates. The best way to find out if your well water has high levels of arsenic is to have it tested. When there is too much arsenic in your drinking water, it is necessary to install an arsenic filtering system that will improve your health in no time.
You do not have to settle for water that tastes bad. Arsenic has no smell or taste, such that you cannot tell if it is in your drinking water. After installing an arsenic filter, you will have peace of mind knowing that it provides guaranteed removal of contaminants. With reverse osmosis units, it can remove arsenic. However, pre-treatment will also be required depending on the raw water quality characteristics. It works by squeezing the water through a special, selective membrane. Some city water contains trace levels of arsenic but most arsenic poisoning from water consumption stems from wells. The most dangerous concentrations of arsenic reside in well water. The whole-house treatment system is the recommended treatment technology for arsenic removal and typically it lasts for two to three years. When there is too much arsenic in your drinking water, it will cause symptoms like headaches, nausea, and chest pain. Installing an arsenic filtering system is one of the most used methods due to its ease of operation, relatively low cost, and high effectiveness.
Knowing the chemical composition of your well water is essential in living a healthy lifestyle. It is the reason why testing water for arsenic is a straightforward process. Filtering arsenic from water in point-of-use sources where water will be consumed from is highly essential. Contact the experts to know which filtration method is right for you.
For more tips on Arsenic filters, contact Cliff Cummings Water Services.